Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I am encouraging every member of our Chapter to fill out a bargaining survey. It is the major voice that you have to let us know your desires for the articles which will be negotiated with our employer starting in the New Year. I am giving everyone in the chapter one last chance to fill out the bargaining survey before Christmas. If you have filled one out thank you, if you need to get a survey from me then please call or email me for your survey. The survey's need to be sent to me. You may use the inter-hospital mail system to forward your survey's to me. Also, I will be coming around to all of your sites on Friday to pick up any surveys that may have accumulated at your site. Keep your voice loud, fill out a bargaining survey.
Bonnie Gostola, Chapter Chair, Negotiation Team representative.
I would like to thank everyone who came out to our annual Christmas Social. It was very well attended and we were joined by our sisters and brothers from Chapter 5. Thank you for your donations to the EMT toy drive for the older teens they were very well received and will makes many young peoples Christmas better.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Toys For Teens

Thank-you everyone for the items donated at the Christmas Social. I took all of them to the miracle room in High River. Captain Nyree was very grateful and said that was great because they never get anything for teens. You all have made someones Christmas better. Thank-you again.


Friday, November 11, 2011

We are going to be holding our annual Christmas Social on Monday, December 5 at 5:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion in Turner Valley. We will be joined by our brothers and sisters from the newly created Chapter 5 in celebrating the Christmas season. Spouses, significant others, or adult companions are welcome to join us, their meal will cost them $15.00. All of our members will eat for free. Please no children. We are collecting toys for the local Emergency Services toy drive, with a focus on gifts for the older teenager. If you have not sent in your bargaining survey by then, please bring it along. This is not a formal meeting so mileage will not be paid, but having said that, we will still pass along any news that we may have prior to supper. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Bonnie Gostola
Chapter Chair.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Swimming and Barbecue

Everyone had a great time. Lets plan bigger and better next year

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The 2011 AGM has come and gone, with it is a new executive with a new mandate to improve communication for the general membership. Let me take this opportunity to introduce all members, to the new executive. Bonnie Gostola, will serve another two year term as your chair. Michelle Goldstone has taken on the position of the Vice-Chair. Ellen Rensby will continue on as the Treasurer. Finally, in the position of the Secretary, we welcome Louise Hart. We are now a full executive of four, up from last year's three. Thank-you to Donna Lyons for her commitment over the past two terms, in the position of Vice Chair. Her dedication tyou, the members, was always her first priority and she will be missed. Congratulations to all of the Long Service Award winners who attended the AGM and received their certificates and pins.
Looking forward into the future, are members should be seeing some needed improvement in the communication between the executive and the members. We are coming into some very interesting and possibly challenging times. Information will be tantamount to the success of any actions taken in the union. This is the final year of a four year collective agreement, so look for the start of the bargaining process once we get through the summer.
Things coming up in the near future and to look for: Nurses Week, AUPE GSS/AUX Nursing BBQ's and the swimming pool party and potluck picnic.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Tomorrow at 4:30 pm in the third floor Board Room of the High River Hospital. I encourage all of the members of the chapter to attend. Remember, if you drive your mileage is paid by the chapter. There will be coffee and snacks. Hope to see many of our members out.

Chapter Chair;
Bonnie Gostola

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 15th is approaching fast and it is that time of year again. The AGM is set to begin at 4:30 pm. the Board Room of the High River Hospital. The Board Room is located on the third floor of the hospital. It is an important meeting as this is an election year. Come out and be informed on what is going on in the chapter, as well, as the union. We will be electing a new executive, local council members, an area council rep., a OHS Rep, and of course, nominees to the next AUPE Convention in October. I would also like to ask all of the Long Service Award recipients to attend to receive their award. The following individuals will be receiving awards this year:

5 years

Valerie Abusow
Vicki Becker
Ada Benitez
Jolene Corrigan
Diane Crowe
Christine Currie
Eva Elder
Kristina Maidment
Barbara McLean

10 Years

Linda Bolton
Faye Chinski
Lolita Goebel
Maria Maprangala
Rena Nicholson-Heck
Carolyn Robinson
Laurie Ross

15 Years

Amy Armstrong
Ellen Stinn

20 Years

Darlene Keith
Anna Semenuk

25 Years

Mary Carleton
Donna Lyons

Congratulations to all of you.

Hope to see all of the chapter members at the meeting. See you next week.