Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Meeting well Attended

Thank-you to all of the individuals who attended our Fall meeting. Every site in the chapter had representation during the meeting and 27 members enjoyed pizza and pop, while visiting with Raz Erez, one of the union's Vice Presidents. Raz carried the message of welcome and news of the future from the AUPE's newly elected President Guy Smith. Stan Bateman, Local 45 Chair was also in attendance and answered some questions from the membership. The newest stewards for the union were acknowledged and a couple more individuals have stepped forward to take the course and become stewards. The members thank you all for your commitment to maintaining the balance contained in the Collective agreement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas Meeting This Week

On Thursday, November 19th, Chapter 4 will be holding its regular fall/winter meeting at the Okotoks Health and Wellness Centre, at 6:30 pm.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Long service award winners.
Those individuals who will receive the 5 year service award are: Carlene Dunn, Connie Hill, Ronda Keenen, Julie Lanz, Kae Risdon, Margery Thompson, Tasha Thring, Bonnie Starke, Linda Gibbs, Dina Kisanga, Mary Morin, Janty Nyekadia Bimo, and Jodie Porter. There are two individuals receiving their 10 year service pins: Leeann Schultz and Debra Piecharka. The Twenty year recipients are Patsy Petersen and Kaye Elliott. Finally, there are four individuals receiving their 25 year pins; Gayle Fisher, Denny Head, Joanne Velting , and Rita Geerlinks. I have the Long service certificates and the Pins, should you wish to get yours please contact me and I will make arrangements to get them to you and I will have them at the meeting. I will also have the past two years of awards with me. I would like to thank all of the recipients for their continued involvement in the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.
If you are planning to attend the meeting please call Ellen Rensby @ 403 652-2076 as we are purchasing food for this meeting and would like an accurate count. I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.